For the last time for now, the University of Rostock - in total to eight female scientist of the University of Rostock within the framework of the Women Professors Program:
Dr. Heidi Fleischer (IEF), Janett Launhardt (PHF), Sonja Lorenzen (MNF), Melanie Mraz (MNF), Dr. Yvonne Niekrenz (WSF), Lea Puchert (PHF), Dr. Anja Salbach (UMR) and Britta Wolff (AUF).
In addition, the women’s grant fund „FeMINa“ designed to promote excellent measures, interdisciplinarity and sustainability was advertised for the first time in 2013. Four projects in total were awarded with a total of 10,800 Euros: „Working Team Gender Research“ (Prof. Dr. Gabriele Linke-PHF and Prof. Dr. Heike Trappe-WSF), „Program for Strengthening Self-Competences“ (PD Dr. Dorothee Doerfel-Baasen-PHF), „GiWo – Girls-Workshop at the Chair for High Voltage and High-Current Technology“ (Yvonne Haba and Anne Siegert-IEF), „Research Workshop Gender Competence “ (Sandra Kamitz, Tanja Lange, Sara Schiemann and Monique Tannhäuser-PHF und WSF).
Frauenförderfonds am 26.Juni 2013
hintere Reihe v.l./ Last row from the left: A
Annette Meier (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte),
Dr. Nina Gaßmann (Leiterin Stabsstelle Berufungen, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung),
Anne Lea Puchert (PHF), Prof. Dr. Heike Trappe (WSF), Britta Wolff (AUF)
vordere Reihe v.l./ Front row from the left:
Alexa Vollmann (IEF), Monique Tannhäuser (WSF), Tanja Lange (PHF), Janett Launhardt (PHF),
Dr. Heidi Fleischer (IEF), Prof. Dr. Gabriele Linke (PHF), Dr. Anja Salbach (UMR), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck (Rektor)
nicht im Bild / Not shown in this picture:
Sonja Lorenzen (MNF), Dr. Dorothee Doerfel-Baasen (PHF), Melanie Mraz (MNF)